Jesse Tree
Giving to our Brothers and Sisters in Need
Preparation for the Jesse Tree begins in September by contacting local agencies and determining the needs of the individuals who require assistance. During Advent, the Jesse Tree is placed in the Narthex of the Church. Parishioners, through their generosity, purchase gift cards to meet the needs of the recipients. Gifts are then distributed to the participating agencies. Participants find that purchasing gifts brings as much joy to the them as it does to those who receive the gift!
Shepherd's Meal
Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you?
On the last Friday of each month, the Shepherd's Meal is prepared and served to low-income families in our community. Prepare a salad, meal, or dessert. If you’d prefer, come and help out with setup, serving, or cleanup. We begin at 5:30 pm and finish by 8:00 pm.
Contact Roman or Patti at to inform him of the specific dish you will be preparing or if you intend to serve.
Starfish Food Pantry
Whatever you do for one of the least of mine, you do for me.
Starfish in conjunction with the Township of Readington provides food for individuals and families who are experiencing financial difficulties. Food is collected 12 times per year and stored in a pantry located at Our Lady of Lourdes. Four scheduled distributions are planned each year and food is also available on an as needed basis. Anyone who is in need or knows someone in need may call Readington Township. Volunteers are needed at the time of distribution.
Contact Nancy O'Malley at