390 COUNTY ROAD 523, WHITEHOUSE STATION, NJ 08889 (908) 534-2319 ~ info@ollwhs.org

Parish News

Rosary Altar Society Communion Breakfast - Sunday, October 13

All are welcome to join the Rosarians in Community Hall for our Annual Communion Breakfast.  Immediately following the 8:30 am Mass, a delicious hot and cold buffet breakfast will be served.  Guest speaker    Deacon Chuck Paolino  will be discussing the topic, “Mary - Discover The Strength of Her Humility.” $20 per person.  Any questions, please email rosaryaltar@ollwhs.org

Saint Monica Ministry - October 12, 8:00 am

Please note the time change for this date only.

The next Saint Monica Ministry will meet Saturday, October 12 at 8:00 am. Please bring rosaries, chaplets, and photos of those who need prayers.  If you can't make the meeting and have prayer requests for the group, send an email to saintmonica@ollwhs.org.

Our Lady of Fatima Rosary - October 12, 12:00 pm

Every year the organization of “America Needs Fatima” prays at over 20,000 locations within our United States for our country, our faith, and for the protection of the children. On Saturday, October 12, we will pray outside of our church for the intercession of our Lady for these needs.  There will be a short prayer service.  If you are able, please stop by at Noon to pray. 

Starfish Food Collection - October 19/20

Our next regular food collection will take place next weekend, October 19/20.  We can really use your help since our number of clients has increased.  All types of  nonperishable foods are welcome, but at this time we are especially in need of canned vegetables, canned fruit, hearty soups, peanut butter, jelly, cereal, macaroni and cheese, and  beverages. Please do not donate food items beyond their "Use by" date. Thank you, as always, for your continued generosity.

Blessing of the Animals - October 20, after the 10:30 am Mass

Friday, Oct. 4, 2024, marked the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals and the environment. To commemorate this observance there will be a Blessing of the Animals, October 20 after the 10:30 am Mass on the grass in front of the church, rain or shine.  Please bring your pet on a leash or in a carrier.

OLL Fall Harvest Festival - October 20

After the 10:30 am Mass & Blessing of the Animals

Presented by 7th/8th Gr. Confirmation Candidates
The 7th and 8th grade Confirmation Candidates will be hosting a Fall   Festival for parish children 6th grade and under featuring   festival games, crafts, sports, and activities. You wouldn’t want to miss this wonderful event!      Parish Children Must Be Accompanied by a Parent.  

Substitute Catechists Needed for Youth Faith Formation 

The Faith Formation Program is searching for adults willing to share our Catholic faith with our parish youth.  Substitute Catechists lead the class as the teacher.  No experience is necessary just a love of children, your Catholic faith, and a willingness to share your own faith journey.  We will supply all you need: a Lesson Plan; an Aide to assist you; and staff support. You will not regret your commitment and don’t be surprised when you grow spiritually in the process. Please join us!

Session Times

  • Monday Early Session: 4:45-6:00 pm, Grades 1-4/ Late Session: 6:45-8:00 pm, Grades 5-8
  • Tuesday Session: 5:45-7:00 pm, Grades 1-8

Please contact Nina Forestiere at faithformation@ollwhs.org or 908-534-2319 x17 for more details or to volunteer.

Music Ministry

Our parish music ministry comprises all our singers and instrumentalists. Whether you sing in a choir, as a cantor, play handbells, a band or orchestral instrument, you can have a voice in spreading God’s love through music. In doing so, you’ll feel a sense of belonging, make great friends, and grow artistically and spiritually. We  welcome new and returning participants (adults, youth, and children).  Contact Jim Cole, Music Director, at music@ollwhs.org or 908-534-2319 x 19.

Rosary Gift Shop
Open Sundays, 9:15-11:35 am

We have ideas for new homes, Baptism, Confirmation, weddings, military sendoffs, key chains for new drivers, and more!  The sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on Friday, November 22.  Stop buy for an assortment of Confirmation cards, patron saint medals, and other gift ideas.  Special orders are generally available within 2 weeks. The gift shop supports the Rosary Scholarships awarded to students from the parish.  Questions, please reach out to Ruth Stieh at 908-534-4039 or rastieh@gmail.com.