Baptism Preparation
Let the Little Children Come to Me
Baptism preparation is a time of great anticipation and excitement! Young parents attend our sessions before the birth of their baby and the joy and enthusiasm they bring are contagious. The Pre-Baptism Team helps parents prepare for their child's baptism into the community of the Church. Please consider becoming a member of this rewarding ministry.
Contact: Amy at or 908-534-2319 x 14
Until Death do Us Part
Married couples of our Parish join Fr. Len to organize and implement marriage preparation activities anticipating matrimony in the Catholic Church. We share personal experiences and facilitate small group discussions on topics such as early adjustments, having a family, life changes, and financial challenges. Our one-day session is conducted once a year in March. If you and your spouse would like to join the Pre-Cana Team, please contact our Parish Office.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults - RCIA
Following the Journey in Response to God's Call
RCIA is the process through which non-baptized adults and non-Catholics are received into the Catholic Church. Candidates are gradually introduced to aspects of Catholic beliefs and practices as they study the Gospel, share traditions and customs, and explore prayer. Each participant has a sponsor who is either personally chosen or one of the RCIA team members. Sharing your faith and spiritual journey with others is an invigorating experience!